Assalamulaikum and heloo... Why I create this E-Portfolio??? The purpose of this E-Portfolio is to fulfill the requirement in the subject Information And Communication Technology In Science (ICT). Creating this E-Portfolio is very important for me because I have learnt many things upon completing it. I will upload all my assignments and assessment in this E-Portfolio so that I can share everything that I know to all readers. Hopefully this E-Portfolio will help everyone who is seeking for the related information that I have uploaded. This E-Portflio is a medium for me and readers to share all the informations, news, galleries, comments and etc..... ENJOY YOUR READING =)

Saturday 3 December 2011


As a teacher I believe that all students
 are able to learn at maximum level
 if they are given an enough chance and opportunity
 to explore and relate the lesson
 with anything around them
for a meaningful learning process.
 Students will not only excellent in academic, 
 but also in non academic
 by being a role model to my students.
 Be fair to all my students regardless of
 races, beliefs and family background.

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