Assalamulaikum and heloo... Why I create this E-Portfolio??? The purpose of this E-Portfolio is to fulfill the requirement in the subject Information And Communication Technology In Science (ICT). Creating this E-Portfolio is very important for me because I have learnt many things upon completing it. I will upload all my assignments and assessment in this E-Portfolio so that I can share everything that I know to all readers. Hopefully this E-Portfolio will help everyone who is seeking for the related information that I have uploaded. This E-Portflio is a medium for me and readers to share all the informations, news, galleries, comments and etc..... ENJOY YOUR READING =)

Friday 21 October 2011

all about me...

Name : Nina Allyza binti Kepol
Date Of Birth : May 1, 1990
Sex : Female
Religion : Islam
Race : Malay
State : Sarawak
Nationality : Malaysian
Favourite sports : Silat
The Person Who Inspired Me : Tun Dr. Mahathir 
Father's Name : Mr. Kepol bin Abang
Mother's Name: Mdm. Aini binti Mat
Number Of Siblings : Seven

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