Assalamulaikum and heloo... Why I create this E-Portfolio??? The purpose of this E-Portfolio is to fulfill the requirement in the subject Information And Communication Technology In Science (ICT). Creating this E-Portfolio is very important for me because I have learnt many things upon completing it. I will upload all my assignments and assessment in this E-Portfolio so that I can share everything that I know to all readers. Hopefully this E-Portfolio will help everyone who is seeking for the related information that I have uploaded. This E-Portflio is a medium for me and readers to share all the informations, news, galleries, comments and etc..... ENJOY YOUR READING =)

Wednesday 30 November 2011


Interactive White Board (IWB) is one the important tools that used to teach students nowadays. It makes the teaching and learning process become more interesting and enjoyable. I think all teachers should know how to use the IWB in the teaching and learning process. I am sure that most students will be willingly participated in all activities conducted in the classroom if teachers are using this in their teaching.

When I used this IWB for the first time, it was a bit difficult for me because I was not really familiar with this device. However, learning how to use the IWB is very interesting. I really enjoyed exploring all the applications that available. I should thank to our instructor for explaining and showing us the correct way how to use it. At the same time, my friends also help me a lot in learning how to use the IWB properly. For example, we should calibrate the IWB so that it will function at the highest level. Besides that, the IWB is very sensitive to any movement. It will not function properly if it has moved. In order to avoid this from happening, we should keep our hand away from the white board and only touch it when necessary. In other words, I think it is better if the board does not have any wheels on it so that it will not moving anywhere.

In contrast, there are some problems that I faced when installing this software in my notebook. When I referred to my instructor she told me that my notebook was not really tolerated with this application. I did not have any idea about that, but it would not stop me from exploring all the sophisticated applications in the IWB.

Even though the teaching and learning process become much more fun if we use IWB, but there are some constrains that we face for instance, not all the schools in Malaysia have this IWB in their classroom. This might be due to the high cost that needed to implement the IWB in all schools in Malaysia. Thus, it might be very hard for us to apply all the knowledge about IWB that we gained in this course. Hopefully one day all schools will have IWB in their classroom so that we can use it and make our teaching and learning session more interesting and interactive in order to attract students’ interest toward the topic that are going to be discussed in the lesson.

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